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Pakistan say to send its first astronaut to space by 2022.

Pakistan says to send its first astronaut to space by 2022.

Pakistan, astronaut, space, 2022, Fawad Chaudhry

50 individuals would be selected after which the list will be shortened to 25 in 2022.

Pakistan Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry has said that the country was committed to send its first astronaut to space by 2022.
China would collaborate with Pakistan in its space mission, he said during an interview on Sunday, adding the selection process for the astronaut would start in 2020, reports The News International.
He revealed that initially, 50 individuals would be selected after which the list will be shortened to 25 in 2022.
The Minister added that out of them only one would be sent to space.
The Pakistan Air Force, he said, would play an important role in the astronaut's selection.


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