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15 things everyone should know before trying to get abs

15 things everyone should know before trying to get abs

Don't fall for these fat loss mistakes.

Mid adult woman lifting barbell on shoulders in gym
Getting abs for some can feel like the holy grail of fitness - despite that fact having abs doesn't necessarily mean you're healthy - and working out has a myriad of other benefits other than getting ripped.
But if fat loss and a lean midsection is your fitness goal, there are some tips you need to get there the healthy way.
Fitness expert, PT and Fitbit UK ambassador James Stirling, aka London Fitness Guy shares the things everyone should know before trying to get abs. 

1. There's no super complicated formula to getting abs

It comes down to two key things - diet, training and how you pair them together, according to James. His key formula for getting toned?
  • Strength training to build muscle which burns fat
  • Core exercises to strengthen the muscles
  • Fitting more movement in to your day
  • Ensure you are in a calorie deficit to reduce body fat in order for the abs to show
    Read on for how he breaks all that down...

    2. Abs are made in the kitchen - but the exercises you do are still super important 

    "Nutrition goes hand in hand with training" says James, "but you have to build the core otherwise you have nothing to show underneath".
    "If you look at the bicep – if you don’t have the muscle when you diet down you will just be a slimmer version of what you were before, rather than someone with big biceps - your shape doesn’t change without putting the work in".
        To build the foundations of a strong core, James recommends simple movements like crunches from home, or if you’re using the gym adding weight to core exercises to train the muscles by adding progressive overload, the same as you would a bicep or your chest.
        Young fitness woman performing working with abdominal muscles press on the horizontal bar, raises his legs up in gym club. fitness, sport, training concept.
        Hanging leg raises (see above) are one of James' favourite exercises for building your core and targeting the lower abs. He recommends starting off with bringing your knees to your chest first, then working to bringing your legs up.

            3. Planks and crunches DO work

            You often hear people saying sit ups and planks won't get you abs, and while that is true, they still have a role to play in building a strong core because they are ALWAYS tough, no matter how fit you are. "If I did now 50 crunches now I would still feel it in my core like I did before years of training" James says.

            4. Compound movements are also key

            Leg press exercise.
            While people think of crunches, planks and sit ups as the way to get abs, James says that compound movements, like deadlifts and squats are amazing for building your core. "You need to control and contract your core during those compound and dynamic movements" to actually see results, he advises. James also recommends the leg press as an underrated movement, making sure you seek the advice of a qualified PT if you've never performed these movements before.

              5. You can build a strong core at home

              Hate the gym? A lot of people overlook the power of doing core workouts at home, according to James. "If there was anything to do at home it would be the core" he says. "You don’t need any equipment to do it, you can just roll out a mat! It will always be challenging, as long as you're contracting your core while performing the movements"

              6. Diet really is important

              Healthy balanced lunch box with chicken, rice, vegetables

              OK, so you've got your training down. But no matter how much training or core work you do, James says "you will never be able to see your abs if your diet doesn’t supplement it – if your body fat is too high then they won’t show". Therefore, to see your abs, you need to reduce your body fat first – once you have reduced your body fat, your body will start to show the definition underneath.

              7. You don't have to track what you eat religiously

              If fat loss is your goal, you will need to be in a calorie deficit, which means have an awareness of what you're eating to fuel your training. And while some fitness fans use calorie tracking apps like My Fitness Pal all the time, James recommends a slightly more relaxed approach.
              For some of his clients, he advises tracking for a week more as an educational exercise, so they're aware of what they are eating in their daily meals, and whether they're getting the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats for their goals, then tweaking the diet accordingly. He advises structuring each meal as a healthy balance of proteins, carbohydrates, vegetables and fats, as a way to gage if you're eating for abs.
              15 things everyone should know before trying to get abs

              8. You also don't need to go low carb

              "Low carb only really works because you are taking carbs off the plate and reducing the total amount of calories" says James. If you're training hard, carbs are important for performance in the gym and building muscle, and James says that you can create a calorie deficit with a balanced plate and still get the same results as someone who cut out all carbs.
              "There's no magic formula – I love carbs and removing them is just not sustainable for me – I would feel awful and drained with all the training I do!".

              9. Sugar and alcohol aren't totally off limits - as long as they're in moderation

              Eating out and drinking is part of a balanced life - and James says if you completely cut these out, you're more likely NOT to stick to a training plan, and your lifestyle will be far less sustainable. But if fat loss is your goal, it's all about moderation and making sensible choices.
              "Just make sure you have a pretty healthy Monday to Friday, where you are on point with your training and diet, so you can really enjoy that Saturday night out" he says. "It's part of living life and if you're balanced in the week, generally you’re going to be OK".
              He adds: "I never say to a client 'you cannot drink' - as it's just not realistic. But you can limit the amount of calories you're consuming through alcohol, and how often and the frequency you’re drinking as well are key. 

              "Sugar is also OK in moderation and you don’t have to cut out completely - it's just about satisfying your sweet tooth in moderation. No one has gained fat from eating one biscuit - but it's about making healthier choices, consistently"
              sugar tax

              10. You don't HAVE to use cardio to get abs

              You don't need to spend hours on the treadmill to build abs - but cardio can be a useful tool to burn fat and calories if fat loss is your goal. Just don't overdo it, says James.
              "A lot of people go too hard too soon, and try take their calories super low, and do loads of cardio to burn the fat, and then are super hungry all the time and knackered, and they burn out. For me personally, I would only add cardio if I had started to see a plateau, and then maybe tweak the diet – otherwise you don’t have a lot to play with, and you end up in a position where you aren’t seeing the results you want because you hammered everything too soon"

              11. But you should get your steps in 

              Sports attractive couple getting ready to run and exercise outdoors

              James stresses that your daily activity as a whole contributes to how many calories you burn and fat loss. "Rather than adding in lots of cardio sessions, a simple change you can make is by walking or just moving more – getting off one stop earlier on the bus or train, getting up 15 minutes earlier and doing more walking on your daily commute – it's so underrated for fat loss, and much more sustainable. Use a fitness tracker like a Fitbit to make sure you're getting your steps in".

              12. If you're not seeing results, you might be over-training

              "Fat loss is so strange", says James. "There are so many factors that can contribute to it stopping, mainly stress and cortisol levels. So if you're over-training or you aren't getting enough sleep, it can hinder your fat loss " James monitors his sleep quality and length using his Fitbit app to make sure he's rested enough - but says there are other signs you might need to take a break.

              "If you're feeling burnt out and demotivated and physically not performing how you think you can, you are probably doing too much, so should be sensibly reining it in and give yourself a rest day or even a rest week or a break from your diet – this is when your muscle growth happens – and helps with your performance too"
              James adds with over-training, it's better to spend a shorter time in the gym, but be efficient and work to the max in your sessions. "I changed my philosophy over the last two years – rather than spending an hour, or hour and a half in the gym, I spend 45 minutes but have a really good workout"

              13. Can you sustain abs? Yes, but focus on your health first

              Sweating midriff of Mixed Race woman

              So you got the abs you want - how do you sustain them? James advises that you can't lose fat forever, and it's all about staying toned but also being healthy and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. "If your body fat is too low as a woman it can be bad for your menstrual cycle. Body fat percentage is definitely not a number to obsess over – I get people saying they want to be less than 20% body fat but 20% is not that high for a female, and these percentages look different on different bodies. It's better to focus on how you feel at that level of leanness, and energy levels are so important – you should choose that over body fat percentage any day of the week"

              14. Remember, abs aren't EVERYTHING

              Your body will give you signs if you actually need to have a diet break (you'll feel exhausted, for one) but James adds that "if your fat loss mission is starting to negatively impact your life and plans to see your friends, it's becoming a dark place to be in and you need to reassess your goals.
              "In the fitness world abs can be seen as the determiner of health and fitness but it’s not true – it's one part of a bigger picture. Look to other goals, such as getting stronger and enjoying training, otherwise you are not going to sustain it - and if you sacrifice your energy levels you will stall your progress". 

              15. There's no set timescale for getting abs

              How long it takes to get abs really depends on the person, their body fat levels and how much training they already do. James says that "people often follow 12 week plans but your 12 weeks is different to someone else’s 12 weeks – it's all about what is realistic for you. If you train in too short a time, you will have to be more extreme with your calories, and if you spend too long dieting you will crash out.
              If someone came to me and they were new to the gym, had a relatively unhealthy lifestyle and they said they wanted abs in six weeks, I would say that without crash dieting and drastic changes it’s unrealistic and too stressful on your body - and you will rebound instantly back into your bad habits once the dieting is over."
              James was a Fitbit Ambassador at the Fitbit House of Fit event. He recommends the Fitbit Charge 3 for helping you to know yourself better.


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